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CLA EuroCup eBasketball Season 14 Concludes with Spectacular Performances

The 14th season of the CLA EuroCup eBasketball has concluded, marking an era of dynamic and high-level competition. This season has been particularly exciting, with all three divisions battling fiercely for the top positions.

While players from CLA Ukraine make it to the Final Six this time, their participation has significantly enhanced the competitive spirit of the tournament.

Skeletron from Croatia clinched this season's top spot, showcasing exceptional skill and strategy to secure his victory. Hot on his heels, Gdm from CLA Poland secured the second place, with fellow Polish player kudo_03 earning the third spot. These outcomes underscore the evolving dynamics and shifting strengths among the participating countries.

As we gear up for the next season, we look forward to seeing our Ukrainian players return stronger and more determined. The journey continues with the Daily Qualifiers already in progress. Stay updated with the latest developments and news on our website: 

Best regards,


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